Sunday, November 10, 2019

What is organizational behavior

Study of the impact Individuals, groups, and structure has on behavior within an organization. This Is studied by managers to improve an organizations work environment to find methods to increase the bottom line. Basically it is a study of the way people act within an organization when exposed to different elements such as leadership styles, behaviors of others, and Incentives. 2. Moscow theory hierarchy of needs? Physiological- Basic needs or body needs; food, water, shelter, sex, and other.Safety = security and protection. Social = Affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship. Esteem = Internal factors such as self- respect, autonomy and achievement. Self-actualization = Drive to be all we can be. As each need Is satisfied the next becomes dominant 3. What Is the four functions of Management? Planning, Organizing, Leading, and controlling are the four functions of management. Planning is defining goals and the overall strategy to achieve those goals with a developed and int egrated plan to achieve the goals.Organizing is the designing of an organizations structure including task and who will accomplish the task. Leading Is managements ways of motivating Its employees and directing their activities selecting means of communications and resolving conflicts. Chapter 1 1 . Management= one who achieves goals through others vs. Leader = of motivating Its employees and directing their activities selecting means of communications and resolving conflicts. 2.What Is Stress = A dynamic condition in which and Individual is confronted with an opportunity a demand or a resource related to what the Individual desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important Chapter 2 Sexual Harassment = Unwanted sexual advances Ability = An Individual's ability to perform the various task In a Job Chapter 3 1 . Job Involvement= Really care about what the work they do vs. Job satisfaction= One who holds positive feelings about there Job. Low negative f eelings 2.Cognitive dissident = Car story – I don't like us cars, change mind when given late model ford. 3. Impact of Job satisfaction- Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Neglect 4. Personality- Sum of total ways an Individual reacts or Interacts with others Class Notes Chapter 4 1 . Emotion- Short lived, Specific event, Facial expression, action in nature 2. Moods – Longer, Caused general, No distinct expression, Cognitive 3. Positively offset – Normal situation the average person is in a positive mood. . Illusory correlation- People associate two event to their mood has no correlations 5.Emotional Dissonance – Show one emotion and feel the other. Hiding Chapter 5 1 . Briggs = Personality assessment- Extrovert Vs. Introvert, Sensing Vs. Intuitive, Thinking Vs. Feeling, Judging vs. Perceiving 2. Proactive personality = Identify opportunity, show Initiative, take action, preserver to the end 3. Values perceptions -?Process by which Individuals organize and Interpret t heir sensory Impression In order to give meaning to their environment. Chapter 6 FIFO Halo effect= One opinion shows whole character. General impression with a single characteristic. . Contrast effect= evaluations of a person's character that is affected by comparisons with others people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics 4. Self-fulfilling prophecy'= person inaccurately perceives a second person and the resulting expectations cause the second person to behave in ways consistent with the original perception 5. Stereotyping preconceived notions= 6. Rational decision making= a decision making model that describes how individuals should behave in order to maximize some outcome. Chapter 7 1 .Motivation – accounts for intensity, direction, persistence 2. Theory X -assumes employees don't like Job 3. Theory Y – assumes employees like work 4. Goal Setting theory – If the employees are involved, Goals are achievable and production is up 5. Management by objectives – Tangible verifiable, and measurable 6. Self Chapter 8 1 . Job design- The way the elements in a Job are organized 2. Job Enrichment- expands the Job so the employee controls the planning, execution and evaluation 3. Job Rotation- Moving around Cross-train 4. Employee Involvement- more involved, more productive employees 5.Participative management- Joint decision making Vs. Representative participation – workers are represented in a small group (Union). Chapter 9 1 . Formal Group- Organized, Such as work group 2. Informal Group – No Formally structured nor organized 3. ESSAY – Five-stage Model Forming- Beginning of group Storming- Accept existence of group but are working out the kinks Morning-setting standards Performing- Work get done Adjourning- Job completed 4. Role- What is expected by an organization 5. Role Perception – What you think your role is 6. Norms – Standards so you know when people are outs ide the norm set by leaders 7.Deviant workplace Behavior- behavior that violates organizational norms. 8. ESSAY – Group vs. Individual Strengths of group decision is from many, Increase diversity, more knowledge. Individual – Expeditious, single point of success 9. Social Loafing- Expend less effort when working in a group-causing cacaos Chapter 10 1 . Work group – Primarily to share information 2. Work Team – Set Goal Accomplishment work on a project to get something done 3. Teams – Problem solving – Particular problem, Self-managed worked team work as lead- Cross-functional team-to use different team sets. Virtual – distance 4. Willing to adjust .Team Efficacy – Team believes they can accomplish goals Chapter 1 1 1 . What is communications? Transferring and understanding of meaning. 2. Formal and Informal Channels of communication 3. Formal- Professional 4. Informal- Socializing 5. Downward Communication – Explaining t o Subordinate 6. Upward – Up the Chain of command 7. Lateral Communication – Peer to Peer – Team to Team 8. Essay -Discuss the difference between interpersonal communication and organizational communication. Oral written nonverbal / Organizational conduct business one to many documented email. Blobs. 9. Oral, Written and Non-verbal.Identify the pros and cons of interpersonal communication. 10. Information overload – Communication overload. 11 . Channel Richness – The amount of information that can be communicated to a certain number of people at one episode 12. Filtering -a senders manipulation of information so that it will be seen more favorable by receiver 13. Cultural Context- High and Low for global organizations you need to know the difference between High and Low. Chapter 12 1 . Leadership- Ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals 2. Employee oriented leader- 3. Production oriented leader- 4.Situational Leadership theory – Theory that focuses on followers readiness 5. Path Goal Theory- A theory that states that it is the leader's Job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to provide the guidance to their goals. 6. Charismatic Leader a leader that has visions and risk-taker 7. Transactional Leaders- Guide followers to established goals clarifying goals and tasks 8. Transformational leader- spire followers transcend their own self-interest and who are capable of having a profound and extraordinary Chapter 13 1 . Power is a capacity to influence the behavior of other 2. Power = Requires follower dependency .

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